
Friday 31 May 2013

Worship under trees

It's not that we don't have church building and worship under trees but our church members increases every Sabbath and lack of spaces inside, today we normally worship under trees outside our church building.
This is Paule Memorial Adventist Church in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.  
A group of Papuan Women's Ministry Singers ready to presents a sing and praise. 

Extending of Church Building

This is Erima Seventh-day Adventist Church in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.The church building before was built in small because of limited members. Now they're trying to extend it because more and more members increasing today.
The government couldn't help or funding in any financial difficulties because this not an investment for it. Therefore, the regular church members and incoming members contributes their free will offerings to build the house of God.
They are so happy to give to God because they wanted to make their way to heaven.
Pray for the church of Erima and God will bless you.